Wepleia: Find Team Building activities for your computer

Who we are

Wepleia it is a platform of activities team buildingdesigned for ease of search and booking of activities for companies.

Our platform offers a unique solution and user-friendly to connect providers of activities like you with companies looking for experiences of team building meaningful.

Selection of workshops and activities team building

Why use Wepleia?

Our platform is designed to streamline the process of search and booking, we want your activity to reach at those companies interested in what you offer.

  • Post your activities is completely free. We only charge a commission for every booking accepted.
  • We offer assistance and advice to help you present your activities of the most attractive.
  • We promote the visibility of your activities with the marketing strategies specific.
  • We provide commentary, and analysis about how you are performing your activities, allowing you to make adjustments and improvements to attract more customers.

Benefits and functionality of our website

We know how challenging it can be organize a team building event and the variables that can happen. That's why, in Wepleia, we are committed to facilitate and accelerate this process, by introducing the following features:


Dynamic pricing

Option to set different prices for flights according to no. participants or a single price (the price should be per person).

Example of sections: 10-20 pax are 40 euros, from 21 to 30 pax are 36 euros, and so on.


Custom location

Option to specify whether an activity can be done in your own facilities, in the client, or both. Providers can also define the minimum and maximum number of participants for each location and specific prices (these should include displacement within the city of Barcelona).


Add extras to enrich your activity

Option to add extras to each activity, with price per person. In this way, the customer will have the option of selecting one or more extras to your activity. Examples of extras: Coffee Break, Catering or gift a gift


Booking request automated

When a client requests a activity, you will receive a booking request by e-mail. Customers can indicate whether or not date, in case that indicate you may provide up to three different dates, and you must then confirm your availability for one of those dates.

Once confirmed, they will send you a payment link to the customer for the price agreed to formalise the booking.


Option to add other details of the booking

Customers have the option of adding any other requirements or needs to the booking, this can impact on the final price of the booking (to be higher or lower).

activity groups team building geo coding

Method of payment and commissions

The payment is made through Wepleia (we use the payment gateway Redsys). Once the booking is confirmed, you will be sent a payment link with the agreed upon price, so that you can make the booking. The form of payment that we think is more comfortable and appropriate is to pay 50% advance payment (there is also the option of a 100% in advance, give the two options) and the other 50% 3 days before the activity if there has been any change in the number of participants. If you have other payment terms, is also valuable.

In relation to commissions, we operate on a commission basis for each confirmed booking. Agree to a base price that you would wish to conceive, or if in your case you already work with agencies, we can evaluate your condition and commissions.

If you are interested in joining our website, please fill out the following form. For any doubt or clarification questions, please contact us info@wepleia.com or call us at +34 621337100.