Frequently asked questions about our activities and experiences for Team Building equipment

¿Qué es Wepleia?
Wepleia es un marketplace de actividades y experiencias para fomentar el team building y la cohesión de equipos. En PLEIA te ayudaremos a encontrar la actividad de team building ideal para tu evento corporativo o taller de equipo.
What is team building?
The team building it is essential for the success of companies and team cohesion. Team building refers to activities designed to strengthen the relationships between the members of a team and improve your collaboration and communication.
Why is it important to team building in business?
Team building has several key benefits:
Troubleshooting Encourages collaboration and the efficient resolution of problems in the computer.
Mutual trust Helps to build trust among coworkers, which is essential for a productive environment.
Strengthening leadership Not only the official leader, but also other members of the team can lead projects and tasks.
Motivation The team-building activities increase the motivation both at the level of the group as an individual.
Improvement of the work environment Encourages creativity and improves the atmosphere of work.
Self-knowledge Employees discover their strengths and weaknesses, which contributes to the personal and professional growth.
Identification of strengths and weaknesses of the team It helps to better understand the dynamics of the group.
Improvement of processes and procedures It facilitates the optimization of the productivity of organizational.
What activities are most effective for the team building?
The activities may vary according to the needs and culture of the company, but some popular choices include:
Cooperative games Puzzles, escape rooms, or outdoor activities.
Communication workshops Improve skills of listening and expression.
Creative activities Painting, music, or drama in a team.
Retreats or trips To strengthen ties outside the work environment.

Remember that the team-building not only benefits the company, but also to the well-being of individual employees.